Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello everybody !

Yesterday was a good day :) I actually spent the whole day in front of a livestream to watch my idols performing. Afterwards I felt like I could face the whole wide world !

When I saw my idols, memories popped up in my head. Memories about my M&G with them, and what they said to me. It was one word, but I'll never forget it. It won't make sense to any of you, but I put a lot of strenght out of it. And actually it's thanks to them that I went to Sweden somehow and it's thanks to them that I met you...

It must feel like I'm stalking you, or that I'm obsessed with you, just because I write a lot of mails, letters and I even dedicated a blog to you. But our friendship was so intense and so pure, and I never want it to fade away. I know that it's going to be hard to ever meet again since we're both on the other side of the world. But we're going to make it happen somehow. I'm going to turn my whole world upside down if I have to. I never met any person who's so friendly, nice, warm... you have a beautiful soul. Our friendship is very valuable to me, and even despite the distance, it must be possible to keep it going on until forever :)


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